Meet the “Swiss Knife” Calculator of Windows

Microsoft Windows Tip: If you think the default calculator that came with Windows (7, 8, 8.1) was just a normal calculator you are wrong. Don’t launch Excel yet! This calculator is a Swiss knife of calculators. Click “View” in the menu of the Calculator and you will see the array of calculations this app canContinue reading “Meet the “Swiss Knife” Calculator of Windows”

Looking up values in 2-Dimensional tables

Microsoft Excel Tip: I was recently working on process for a manufacturing company, where they had costing in tables. Typically, the materials in rows and across columns were size, ratings, type, etc. depending on the item. To retrieve a price, this required a look-up on material and then a cross lookup on the type /Continue reading “Looking up values in 2-Dimensional tables”

Calculating Year-to-Date (YTD) total… and the right way to learn Excel

Microsoft Excel Tip: We often have data (sales, production, expenses, etc.) for months and require a year-to-date (YTD) total. Here is an sample Excel sheet – In cell M2 enter the formula: =SUM(A2:INDEX(A2:L2,MATCH(=TEXT(NOW(),”mmm”),A1:L1,0))) You can edit cells and ranges to match your tables and sheets. =TEXT(NOW(),”mmm”) returns the current month. You also substitute this withContinue reading “Calculating Year-to-Date (YTD) total… and the right way to learn Excel”